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Very Berry Bouquet


Earthly delights, such as vibrant berries and lush greens, are nestled amid rich, intensely-colored red roses, carnations and other fresh flowers. This stunning bouquet is the perfect escort as you make that truly special walk down the aisle.

Here Comes the Bride Bouquet


Pick the perfect accessory to make your wedding day even more spectacular with this gorgeous bouquet of white, red and yellow flowers. Blooming lilies amid this vibrant assortment are the perfect escort as you walk down the aisle.

To Have and To Hold Bouquet


Rich, earthy colors radiate from this bouquet of cinnamon calla lilies, champagne, cream and pale peach roses and peach sweethearts. Vibrance and beauty will follow any bride down the aisle who carries this arrangement.

Love and Honor


Make sure your floral escort down the aisle is as stunning as you! This bouquet is filled with champagne roses, white sweet pea, rich ranunculus and opulent orchids. It is beautifully accented with Queen Anne's Lace, pink astilbe and eucalyptus.

Bright Whites Prom/Wedding..


Timeless and elegant, a cascading abundance of white blooms is a sophisticated tribute to your day of bliss. Pure white flowers arranged in a glistening white vase, brimming with snapdragon, lilies, gerber daisies, roses, orchids, larkspur and assorted white flowers.

Summer Medley Prom-Wedding..


Pink, white and cream stargazer lilies and roses, arranged in a sparkling white vase, make this piece a wonderful addition to this memorable and magical occasion.

Bright Enchantment


Enchanting, vivid, and oh-so-lovely! Say all you have to say with this artistic collection of roses elegantly arranged by a professional florist. Express yourself--send today!

Enchanting Rose Bouquet


A classic symbol of enchanting beauty and heartfelt sentiment, nothing is quite as moving or deeply powerful as a bouquet of one dozen red roses exquisitely arranged in a tranquil glass case. Offset with vivid greenery--it's truly the perfect expression.

Enchanting Love Bouquet


Gaze in speechless wonder at the sheer beauty of it all! Pamper someone special--have a talented florist arrange a delivery today!

Off to the Royal Ball Wedd..


Make your special day the fairy-tale you've always dreamed of! The dress, the shoes - now you just need the perfect flowers and this stunning array of beautiful blooms is an ideal bouquet to carry as you take that unforgettable walk down the aisle!

White Romance


Pristinely stunning and pure, this array of exquisite white flowers sparkles with natural grace and beauty. Sure to light up any room, these brilliantly blissful blooms will make a breathtakingly sweet smelling addition to your big day!

Colors of my Heart


Velvety and vibrant, this assortment of two dozen peach and pink roses brims with stunning beauty and vivid charm. A breathtaking ode to nature, these blooms are a luminous and sweet smelling bouquet on this unforgettable day!

Love and Romance


Speak volumes with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of this arrangement. Artistically arranged by a talented florist, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

One Dozen Pink Roses


Make a poignant statement full of breathtaking style, beauty, and sheer elegance with this fragrant collection of long-stem pink roses. So classic and utterly exquisite--send today!

18 Red Roses


Give the ultimate statement with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of eighteen classic red roses. Artistically arranged by a talented florist, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

Enchanting Rose Bouquet


Give the ultimate statement with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of eighteen classic red roses. Artistically arranged by a talented florist in a tranquil glass vase, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

Heartfelt Expressions


Speak volumes with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of two-dozen classic red roses. Artistically arranged by a talented florist, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

Pretty in Pink (2-dozen)


Tenderly convey the ultimate expression with the grand luxury and sheer opulence of two-dozen perfectly pink roses. Artistically arranged by a talented florist, this bouquet radiates true visual poetry. Why wait--send today!

Stunning Pink Charm


Stunning Pink Charm air a sense of kindness and affection that only a child has. Pink roses are always the perfect sentiment for a tribute to love and nuturing when least expected. Send them a token of your heart with the perfect gift of a dozen pink roses!

Two Dozen Pink Roses


Tender petals of pink exude soft vibrance, set amid stems of gorgeous greens. Extravagant yet classic, this arrangement makes a heartfelt and heartwarming gift to commemorate this momentous occasion!

2 Dozen Red Roses Bouquet


Vivid, velvety and vivacious, this extravagant, yet classically elegant, arrangement of red roses is sure to knock anyone's socks off! What a stunningly sublime and heartfelt gift for this truly unforgettable occasion.

18 Assorted Roses


Express sweet affection and tender love with this absolutely gorgeous bouquet of assorted roses! A most beautiful celebration�order today!

Exquisite Roses


Resplendent with ravishing beauty, this magnificent bouquet of two-dozen perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful way to mark the occasion!

Rose Devotion


Luminous with classic beauty, this lovely bouquet of twelve perfect roses truly expresses all you have to say. A most wonderful celebration!

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