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2 Dozen Pink Roses Bouquet


Precious blooms of soft pink radiate delicate beauty from this stunning arrangement of pink roses. Nestled in lush greenery, these beauties make the perfect gift to commemorate this unforgettable occasion!

2 Dozen White Roses Bouquet


Stunningly pure and pristinely elegant, this arrangement of delicate white roses sparkles with natural beauty and fragrance. A truly unforgettable and inspiring gift for your sweetheart on this truly unforgettable and inspiring occasion!

One Dozen Red Roses


One dozen delightfully decadent red roses spring to life from this stunning arrangement. Velvety, vivid and vivacious, these brilliant blooms make a wonderfully heartfelt and memorable gift to mark this momentous occasion.

2 Dozen Lovely Roses


Radiating beauty, fragrance and rich hues of red, these velvety, yet bold, roses make an exquisitely thoughtful and memorable gift to mark this truly unforgettable occasion.

Two Dozen Pink Roses


Tender and full of sheer beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen pink roses truly conveys your most poignant sentiment. A simply wonderful celebration!

Two Dozen White Roses


Pure and full of tender beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen roses truly conveys your most poignant sentiment. A simply wonderful celebration!

How Gorgeous 2 Dozen


Dramatic and full of breathtaking beauty, this opulent bouquet of two-dozen roses conveys your most poignant sentiment. A truly gorgeous and magnificent celebration!

No Ordinary Love


Romantic roses amid luscious greenery have set the standard for sharing sincere sentiments. One dozen roses in a glittering glass vase is a polished take on the time-honored gesture. A truly unforgettable bouquet for your prom or wedding!

Purity and Love


Exemplify the heights of glory with this bountiful bouquet! Overflowing with fresh flowers in a dazzling display, this wonderful celebration truly speaks straight from the soul.

Roses of Renaissance


Make a dramatic, classic statement full of old-fashioned grandeur with sixteen breathtaking red roses hand-tied with a ribbon. A truly spectacular touch!

My Favorite Pink


Sweet scents and captivating color ensure this array of vibrant, velvety flowers will illuminate any room! Stunning and sublime, these blooms make for a wonderful and smile-inducing bouquet for your prom or weddin day!

Always Elegant


Breathtaking, lovely, and full of poise! Add a grand splash of elegance to the occasion with this exquisite bouquet full of pink lilies and one dozen cream-colored roses complemented with fresh greens. Such a sight for the eyes�order a delivery today!

Blushing Roses


Make it a day to remember! Say all you have to say with the tender beauty of twelve perfect pink roses complemented with fresh greens in a tranquil glass vase. Don�t delay�order today!

Love Creation


An explosion of passion and beauty! Express yourself with this bountiful bouquet of fragrant pink and red roses in assorted sizes. Make it a day to remember�order from a talented florist today!

Enchanted Love


Fresh, colorful, and heavenly! Add a touch of luxurious beauty to the occasion with this exquisite bouquet of pink lilies and red roses. Make it a day to remember�order from a talented florist today!

Lavish Holiday


Let sultry shades of scarlet and luscious lavender whisk her away on a well-deserved holiday. Plan an escape in the exotic beauty of the finest fresh flowers and roses, without ever leaving your doorstep!

How Sweet


Zesty tangerine roses and brilliant blossoms are punctuated with punches of fresh hot pink to deliver a dynamic duet of fragrance and cheer! This energetic arrangement is sure to invigorate the senses, encourage smiles and express your emotions with ease!

Blooming Love


Love abounds from this superb surprise! Two dozen fresh roses overflow from a sparkling glass vase in a classic display of affection and timeless romance.

Heavenly Perfection


Ethereal alabaster lillies and gentle pink roses are gathered in a gossamer glass vase, accented with angelic touches of dainty Queen Anne's lace. A divine design to put them on cloud nine!

Heavenly Style


A cloud of full, precious pink roses and innocent ivory lilies floats amid a shimmering glass vase in a stylish and sophisticated arrangement certain to make their heart soar heavenward.

Dreaming In Love


Eighteen enchanting roses rise from a bed of whimsical greenery vining below, captured in a sparkling glass vase. Share your dreams with sweet sophistication and they're sure to come true!

Tons of Roses


Be in love with Tons of Roses to show most intimate feelings from the heart and soul. Peach and pink velverty roses communicate in ways words cannot. Show them your true heart with a plethora of luscious roses in the colors of love!

Moment Of Love


Stop time and create a meaningful moment with a dazzling design of coral, yellow and white roses. An eternity of affection is easily conveyed the second she lays eyes on this sublime surprise!

Classique Love


Romantic roses amid luscious greenery have set the standard for sharing sincere sentiments. One dozen roses in a glittering glass vase is a polished take on the time-honored gesture, a classic bouquet to say "I love you."

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